enough gay jokes. today, joyjunkie encourages you to vote. We would like to remind you that Chief Justice William Renquist can't live forever (though he appears to be trying to), and like those years when a bad Pope was appointed, we really don't want the crusades to start again. We'd also like to remind you, now that you're voting and will inevitably be called upon to serve on a jury, that jury duty can actually provide valuable insight into the feeble minds of most americans, and should be looked upon as an opportunity to miss work and get drunk earlier.
Joyjunkie would also like to remind you that, while we appreciate bathtub gin as much as the next person, voting for prohibition is just plain idiotic.
Now, onto the Proposition of the day
Prop. 71: YES
Remember in the days before the Euro, when currencies such as the lira were worth next to nothing? That's pretty much where our dollar's at. Which is why $6,000,000,000 isn't really worth all that much. In a couple years, all you'll be able to buy with that is a couple of moonpies and a room at the holiday inn for one night, or, hopefully, a lot of stem cells.